Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Senior Banquet-Congrats Class of 2012!

Sorry these are so late, but CONGRATS CLASS OF 2012!  You all will be missed and best of luck in campus! <3

Monday, April 23, 2012

All LA Teen Devo

This past Saturday teens from all over the LA area gathered to worship God at Panorama High School.  The event was primarily teen-led and a huge success!  It was great being able to everyone again and fellowship together.  The general theme of the day was "Finish Strong."  So let's finish this school year strong for God!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Friday the 13th

This past Friday the Central Teens had an awesome Bring Your Friend Devo! In honor of Friday the 13th, we held our very own Fear Factor. The challenges included eating pig intestine, drinking crazy concoctions, and even licking nasty mixtures out of baby diapers. It was quite a disgusting way to start off the night, but it was a successful way to break out of our comfort zone and get to know one another as we cheered our teams on to victory. For the latter portion of the night Marcel continued our serious on Hot Topics as we discussed God's plan for sex. And to finish the night off we had a great time of fellowship and food as our very own teen leader Elder cooked up some yummy tacos!

{I would post pictures from our Fear Factor fiasco...but they were just too gruesome to post on the world wide web}

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Happy 3rd Spiritual Bday to my boy DREW!!! You are an amazing leader, example, and a strong Man of God homie! : ) Im super proud of the Soldier you are! : )

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Giving Back

Today the teens had an awesome time giving back to the community at their monthly community service devo. They spent their morning making food packages for families at the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. In about 3 hours the teens, along with many other volunteers were able to make a whopping 92 packages for families in the area! We were told that's enough to feed over 2,000 people! {I think...haha} We had a great day of bonding and serving together, check out the pictures below!

{juice girls}

{the assembly line}

{the hard workers at Cereal station A}

{dirty hands for hard workers}

{the asians and their filthy hands}

{a finished product of our hard work}


{the awkward group photo}

New Sister in Christ {Stella}

Congrats Stella!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hang with the Fresno Teen Ministry

The leaders of the Fresno Teen Ministry called me and said they want to come down and hang out with our Teen Ministry. They will be coming down on Sat, May 19th or Sunday May 20th. They want to know what day would be better. Please let us know what day would be best for you guys. Remember, we want to be great hosts to them.

Ministry Facebook & Twitter

A little reminder that we got the Ministry Facebook & Twitter up and running. Make sure to "Like" us on Facebook. Follow us at:

Facebook - www.facebook.com/CentralRegionYouthMinistry
Twitter - @C3Teens

Saturday, March 31, 2012

TBT Impact

We have been having a pretty good time at our South Pasadena High TBT with a good series we are doing (the resurrection), many people coming out and seems like a new face every week. There is another Christian Club at the school and many of the members have been attending our Bible Talk. Recently, the president of the other club asked me to be a guest speaker at their club in a couple of weeks. That was incredible. Please pray for that to be opening for the students to hear the truth and respond to it.
I just want to say that today is an awesome mentor's birthday
Happy Birthday Balbina

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Niece is a Trojan

I wanted to share some good news about my niece, Jazmyn. She just found out today that she got accepted into USC!!! Please pray that she will get hooked up with the campus ministry and become a disciple.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

God's Blessing

I've been so encouraged lately by God and how he's been moving in my life and blessing me when I surrender myself to Him. I've been accepted to all my UC's: LA, Davis, Irvine and Riverside, my CSU'S: Fullerton and San Fran State, and some Privates: Gettysburg, Kzoo, Mt. Holyoke, Smith and Mills. I'm humbled to continually see God's power as I get blessed with things that are even more special because My father gave them to me. I just pray that with these options, God will make it clear to me where he wants me to go so that my will is aligned with His. :)

Angels & Demons

This past Friday the Central Teens had an awesome "Teen Revolution" at the Boys and Girls Club. We had fun and eventful debates throughout the night that served as an analogy to how we need to have deep convictions to help defend God. It was a great exercise that left the teens feeling inspired and excited to do great things for God.

Cell Phones in Church

We'll be applying this to our Teen Revolutions.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Gracie's Baptism!!

This past Wednesday Grace decided to make Jesus her Lord!!! It was so encouraging to see Grace make the best decision of her life. Check out the pictures below if you missed it!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March Community Service

Yesterday the Central Region Teen Ministry served the elderly at our monthly community service devo! It was a great experience being able to serve together and have a great time. If anyone has any pictures feel free to post them! :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Teen Revolution

This past weekend we had an invigorating winter retreat in Griffith Park. This was our first ever primarily teen planned retreat and it was a huge success! Throughout the week we were inspired to start a revolution for God in our daily lives as we heard uplifting lessons encouraging us to "burn" any sins hindering us from going against the grain. Although the world we live in is under Satan's rule, similarly to the Americans in the American Revolution, we the underdogs can unite and stand up for what we believe in to free ourselves from Satan's rule and the sin that entangles us. The physical burning of our sin lists represented the freedom from our sins that comes with being a member of God's revolution--God's Teen Revolution. As we spent our weekend competing in our own revolutionary war against one another in teams and learning about how God can change our lives, the rebellious side in all of us was ignited to be defiant against the satanic world we live in.

To get a glimpse of our festivities check out the pictures in the posts below!

Day 1:
We arrived Friday night and had a great night of teen-led festivities along with a splendid traditional Lip-Sync competition. {I attempted to upload the videos on the blog last night, but unfortunately, twelve hours later and the first video was still loading...so I gave up}

Teen Revolution-Day 2

We started off our Saturday morning with a challenging hike through Griffith Park.

The teens!

And the Teen Leaders {+Michael}

Midway picture opp overlooking LA.

Darrika... -_____-

After the 1 and a half hour hike!

Releasing our inner goofs after a long morning hike.

Human Centipede. Work those abs Karina! haha

I think he was demonstrating how to roll on the ground...

And they're off! Let the relay race begin!

Classic game of 4-way dodgeball.




Danny was getting creative with Capture the Flag.

Fireside Ceremony-The Burning of Our Sins and the Mark of Freedom